Prayer is the first step to revival

Month June 2020

Step into SIT

Lord , we want to pray that you will supply us with the riches of your grace to attend to the erratic and demanding school schedule that most of us have along with your work of missions here on Earth. When you are about to move, restore that passion and compassion in us to move with you, at the same pace and let us not compromise on obedience simply because we might be busy. We pray that you also send more labourers into the harvest field of SIT. May you guide us to fully seize the opportunities you give to us to witness in the coming academic year.

In Jesus Name we pray.

Would you like to say this prayer?

  • Amen (349)

Step into SIM

Every year, thousands of students flood into our campus, hoping to graduate with a diploma/degree. Lord, let this campus not just be a place where people study to graduate into their next phase in life, but let SIM GE be a place where people encounter Jesus.

Holy Spirit, we pray that in midst of this COVID-19 season, let there be a deep and sobering awakening amongst every SIM student that their life is so much more than what the world chases. At the end of the day, all these things can be taken away, but the only thing that is eternal is Jesus.

In Jesus name we pray.

Would you like to say this prayer?

  • Amen (18)

Step into NYP

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace

Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that believers on campus will fix their eyes on You. Even though school life may be stressful and there are many distractions around us, we pray that in all that we do, our only desire will be to give You all the glory, honour and praise, that others may see and also glorify You.

In Jesus Name we pray.

Would you like to say this prayer?

  • Amen (18)

Step into TP

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your goodness in these changing times. Thank you for your unchanging love for us amidst the storm. As you have placed us where we are, let us be a light for you to all our fellow TP classmates. When we are stressed and confused help us to remember you with is. For when we are lost, you are there to guide us. Help us to trust you in the beginnings of our new normal, to trust you in our TP journey and each new lesson we learn. Help us to remember our identity as your children made in your image and be an constant example of you to others.

In Jesus Name we pray.

Would you like to say this prayer?

  • Amen (21)

Step into NUS

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you that You have brought NUS to where it is today, being recognised in the world as one of the top ranking Universities. We know that is by your grace that NUS has come this far and we give you praise.

Though we may be deemed successful in the world, help us Lord to value what You value instead and seek after those things. May we seek first Your kingdom and righteousness (Matthew 6:33) before worldly success and may we not fall into the trap of the enemy.

In Jesus Name we pray.

Would you like to say this prayer?

  • Amen (17)

Step into SMU

Lord, you have strategically placed this campus in the heart of town. We proclaim that SMU will be a “city on the hill” and that students will be the “light of the world” (Matthew 5:14), shining brightly and unashamedly for Jesus.

Prince of peace, in this campus culture that sometimes perpetuates performance-drivenness, where activity is prized over stillness, we ask that you would grant peace into the lives of many students who are worried and upset about many things. We pray especially for believers to learn to tune out distractions and tune into His voice. Help them to realize that few things are needed, indeed, only one. May you draw all men to find peace at the feet of Jesus.

In Jesus Name we pray.

Would you like to say this prayer?

  • Amen (13)

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